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French Polynesian - 10 April until 20 April 2014


Hawaii - Maui - Apia - Pago Pago - Tahitti(Papeete) - Moorea - Bora Bora



Dancing with some passengers... simply just fun ...

Some Latin Cabaret in the Piazza ... Just a brief clip

Dancing a bit of Samba and Mambo .... just a brief part of our show...

We perform 3 complete Different

15 minute Latin Cabaret shows.


A mixure of Paso Doble - Cha Cha - Rumba - Samba - Mambo - Jive - Sexy Chair Cabaret - Spanish Dance - Stage Latin Tango - Burlesque - and

Dancing with the Passengers...

Pictures from The French Polenysian cruise on the Golden Princess.



ALASKA - 24 May  until 4th June - 2014


Junueau , Skagway , Witthier and ...Juneau



Pictures from The Alaska Cruise on the Crown Princess.

My experience on the Golden Princess.


well,...truly an experience of a life time. Of course, this was our (mine) very very FIRST cruise EVER , so the excitement was overwhelming. Everything from the the very first emails with my agent in London untill the very end of the cruise went as planned and as organized as promised and it was truly a very very professional experience all together...


From LA , Beatrix and i flew to Hawaii, staying in the lovely Best Western Hotel. Spending a great day in Hawaii. Friom this moment on, we would only experience, light blue oceans, Turquise oceans, Little cute Islands, the Greenest Forest, coconuts, Palm trees, Sun and stunning Beaches, beautifull women everywhere, open blue sky, exotic foods and simply the best of the best on a daily basis...After an amazing day in Honolulu, we flew off to another Island, Maui. There, we were met by a representative and taken to a place called, La Haina where we met the Most beautifull Golden Princess which was waiting far out at sea on the horison for was a moment i would never forget. Boarding this ship was just amazing. Massive, exotic , the decor, the Size of short, a city on water. With a fabulous cruise director, Mr Billy Hyegate, we only danced every second day , 2 different 12 minute shows and the passengers loved us. Being Guests entertainers, we had the luxuary of spending nights away in the jacuzzis late at night watching movies under the stars on the 17th deck, dinning in a variaty of 8 different Ala carte top notch restaurants, using All passenger fassilities, using the gyms & studios, saunas, swimmingpools, tennis courts, enjoying fabulous entertainment in the casinos, theatres and many different lounces during these 10 days kept us busy most of the time...We pritty much had some sort of a schedule about the actions and moves for the day each day..... Food and mostly dessert was free to help yourself with everywhere. With an amazing relaxed vibe on the ship, awesome Cruise staff members, general hospitality and of course, most importantly... getting lost on this massive ship from time to time, we truly had the best time of our lives. Beatrix and i had the most amazing time. We had our regular practise sessions in the gym up stairs and made sure we did not miss a good movie from time to time under the stars on the top deck whist sitting in a jacuzzi. We were both with out a doubt completely overwhelmed with this surreal world and lifestyle... We stopped at some amazing islands too. Apia (the Tribal dancers and forest on this island was just incredible. wow!!), Pago Pago ( well, what happens in vegas stays in vegas right?... so, i guess its the same for pago pago :)), Tahitti -papeete (our first experience on a black beach) , Moorea (words cannot describe this island with its awesome looking bungaloos in the water, coconuts everywhere.  Turqoise water and simply post card beauty) , Bora Bora ( the Most exotic island i have seen in my life, swimming in warm water and exploring the most beautyifull beauty of allll beauty!!) ...Meeting all these different people with different cultures and especially the locals and natives on these excotic islands is something really facinating. The music and dancing, hospitality, humbleness and of course the beauty of each different island is just mindblowing. My favourite turned out to be the Tendering excursions...(where the ship would stop about 2000m out at sea and everybody would be taken to land/port with the small life boats. call tendering. it reminded me so much about the pirate days.... The life style of a guests entertainer is simply just heaven to say the least. Our dancing shows were fabulous and we enjoyed performing when we were on for the day and honestly, where other dancers might complain about too much work, we just enjoyed every minute of dancing ... of course, most passengers wanted to take us out for dinners and have their pictures taken with us and that all, is always very special :) The Golden princess was our first experience and having met a wonderfull photographer friend from Hawaii (Bob) who took thousands of pictures of us , we will remember this trip forever. We left the ship in Bora Bora and booked into another hotel in Tahitti on our way back. Again, amazing. Well done Princess. Spending another day on this excotic island, we finnished our journey of in style and headed back to Los Angelas the next day to continue with life again...reality :(


In a nutchell, The Princess Cruise line company is for sure a company of note. Truly professional and any dancer (guest entertainer) who finds him/her self on any ship of princess is for sure in for a treat ...


Thank You steve and thank Princess.


My experience on the Crown Princess.


With this cruise, coming along as our (my) second cruise and above all, going to Alaska!!, i was still going about my buissness like a little boy with a new toy. Passengers on the previuos cruise have shared many of their interesting stories and adventurous with us and the Alaska topic came up a couple of times, so therefore...i was really looking forward to it...


We were flown out to Juneau via Seattle from LA. Junueau, wow...what a stunning looking town. So much buzz and wow wow wow, especially when i saw all these massive massive ships in the port on my arrival. 5 Big mother ships from Holland America, Norwegian cruises, Princess, Cellebrity cruises and Disney. All of them so close by...truly an amazing sight. We stayed in a wonderfull hotel called ther Baranoff. We met up with the Crown princess (the second largest ship in the princess fleet) and the "largest ship " at this moment in Alaska. (so it was anounced) . 19 decks high. Mindblowing! a different shape than the Golden but truly...a Madame. Our first stop was Skagway. An old little cowboy town from going back west where the Gold rush started in 1890. The town pritty much still look the same. Small and old. Only 700 residents. I happen to visit a lovely bar/restaurant called the Red Union. It used to be a Brothel in the early days. Going there is an experience in its own. All girls are still dressed as escorts with stockings, corsetts, suspenders and the wide dresses from way back then. These are now the waitresses. Still to this day, sticking all their tips into their Bra`s and believe me, Every girl has a cleavage to die for :))) and of course...i had to ask the question, what on earth would u girls do in a place like this...answer: drink and lots of sex. Most people are in relationships so...can u imagine being!!  The Water canal ends right into the main street of Skagway, so u will always see a large ship standing nearly in the main road of town, from a distance...interesting. During winter a complete goast town apparently. Now, we are in Alaska and its rather very cold. Passengers dont swim and hang around on the top deck, so...there is a lot happening inside the ship where it is warm. During sertain days, we would stop at some historiacal spots where we would experience the glaciers. Truly amazing. Listing to the crack and sounds of when these glaciers break of in pieces( it happens about every 10 minutes) is just awesome! the sound...u cannot explain it. This is a complete different beauty than other places. The freshness, crisp clear fresh sky and icebergs with the snow and glaciers everywhere makes Alaska unique. i mean,...what is my changes of visiting Alaska on holiday? answer...Minus short ZERO. I am from South Africa, so..its just not going to happen BUT...thank U princess :) The Crown princess is surely big, make no mistake and this experience was as amazing as my first. Our next stop was a town which still boggles me, why we would make a stop there...Whittier. exstremely Small. bBring to say the least, but ok...there are some places like the pub down the road where u can get free Internet WiFi providing u drink a beer with the local bear hunters, tree choppers and mountain climbers. Be prepared, talking about dancing is a no go!!. the main topics of conversation is bear hunting, who has the biggest axe, fastest chain saw , best long shot riffle and of course... sex.

Walking outside is freezing and my neck is turning around like a rabbit from exploring the unknown and even although its cold, i am like a little boy with a toy....On the Crown princess, it became a priority to become friends with crew members and it was not long , and i was visiting the crew bar constantly, enjouying a "bors" Ukrainian traditional Party , dancing with crew, meeting some REALL interesting people  and of course... somethings we do not talk about... On both cruises so far, i was really impressed how all passengers would make the complete effort to dress Formal when they have to. With an entertainment program that starts at 6am untill 11pm, no one gets bored. I had my first experience of enjoying the largest and biggest Crabs anyone can have in Alaska...


we got off at Junuea again, and went back to reality the next day...


once again, an amazing cruise on the Crown Princess.

A life i am beginning to wonder could one stop this?

Scroll down and read / look and experience the journey with us from top to bottom....


1) French Polynesian - April 2014

2) Alaska - May 2014    ....    and more more still to come...

My Experience on the Star Princess .


This was simply just amazing. With my NEW dance Partner from Russia, Elena, we got on board this ship and had fun from the first moment to the last. Maybe it`s just the Ship or the passengers but one thing is for sure...I have not yet come acreoss such an amazing bunch of Cruise Directing Staff. The deputy as well as the Cruise Director, were simply amazing to say the least. Always such fun and an absolute pleasure to be around with. Where other cruise directors seem to be very seriuos and kind of...bossy, these two guys were the opposite  and that made it a festival for everyone on board. The entire atmosphere on the ship is amazing . We visit Canada -Victoriya and also San Fransisco for the first time ever and it was just amazing. Performing on this ship was just heaven. With some interesting stop overs in Ketchican (especially in the forest) and Skagway , we have managed to have a few beers in between and also to feel some solid ground underneath our feet. To be in the spotlight non stop inside the ship is understandable, but out side the ship?,...very weird. Passengers just never seem to leave us alone and everyone just wants a moment with u, a photo, a drink and sometimes even dinner. The ebst part however, is when u meet passenegers and crew on land whom you remember from a previuos cruise or another ship...

With a Partnership ONLY running 3 weeks strong at this stage, Elena and i came together after we both ended previuos partnerships and basically met up on facebook, decided to give it a shot, met up in LA (she came in from Hong Kong and I from SA) , we basically practised 8 days and then boarded the STAR. It was presure from the word GO... The Star Princess is pritty much a replica from the Golden Princess... This time around, the weather was just awesome. Sunny weather right through out the entire journey. We were wearinfg T- Shirts and shorts everyday and with a "every second day OFF" program, we had enough time for exploring other things and enjoying the ship and all other entertainment. We became friends with the two other BIG Bands on the ship. Supporting these Bands, soon became a big thing for us and it was not long untill we started to get into a Wine and Dine habbit every night with these people. Dancing every night to these Live bands in different glammurous venues, eventually became the highlight of our cruise. Even the paino man , Liam kept us busy from time to time when we were walking by, asking for a quick number to perform ...This was just an amazing cruise where the vibe and entertainment was simple spectacular....



ALASKA - 31 July   until 13 Aug - 2014


Junueau , Skagway , Ketchican , Victoriya (Canada) , San Fransisco and ...Juneau





ALASKA - 19 aug untill 27 aug - 2014


Junueau , Skagway , Glacier Bay , Whittier  and ...Juneau



My Experience on the Crown  Princess.


This was pritty much the same as on the previuos one on the very same Crown. There is something about this ship which i just cannot put my fingers on. Its for sure different. Not in a good way. dont get me wrong, we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves but for some reason, the atmosphere just does not seem to be as pleasant as i have experienced on the other two ships. As for crew, too many with attitutes, personal trainers in the gyms who are fighting a popularity contest and just simply people in general who tries to be very important. Also passengers. Its just different people and again, i dont know how to explain this.The audience attendance on our shows were surprisingly good but participation from the audience in our shows , a bit weak. The Asians do make a big difference to the better ...thats for sure. The weather played along just fine again but for some reason, we were happy to get of this ship. Our shows were great and we enjoyed performing. Especially the second leg of passengers who got on at Whittier were a bit better but in general, i dont know. i heard something, a funny story about the birth of this ship... The vibe, crew and general attitudes and atmosphere on the Golden and Star Princess cruise lines were for sure in a different league. Elena and i still had a good time in Whittier this time around. No kichichan this time :( I do like the deputy cruise director Bernie. A wonderfull lady who is always friendly and bubbling. Very sweet. The most amazing part was meeting all my old friends from the previuos contract and the drinks we had in the crew bar was just fabulpous. Its always great to see previuos passenegers and crew members . The girls from the String Quartet was simply a treat. We had such a laugh...Of course, seeing the glaciers once again, the landscapes , the beautifull views , fresh air and most off all, hearing the cracking sound from ice breaking off from the glaciers.  

Latin Cabaret Dance Shows -  Very Brief and short video clips of some of our shows....and other exciting videos about the cruise...

Cabaret Chair number alone by Elena

Short set piece of Cha Cha Cha

Chair number cabaret number with Elena- short clip

Short set piece of Rumba 

Big Balloon and Captain`s Reception Party on board with passengers and crew... Live Bands ...awesome

Watching the Sea Lions in San Fransisco....

Entertaining the Passengers

Our Current Latin Cabaret Dance Shows consists of the following numbers:


1) Paso Doble Spansih Mix of Cha cha and Rumba with Cape and Spansih Fan...


2) Burlesque and Latin Tango ...A typical Moulon rouge Show


3) Michael Jackson number . a seducing chair number with strong Cha Cha dancing.


4) A Brazillian type of Gypsy Kings Mambo and Jive show...


5) Chicago. All that jazz cabaret with exotic chair dancing and lifts


6) A energetic Latin number of Rumba, samba and Cha cha cha.




; All our shows consists of PLENTY LIFTS and a LOT of ENTERACTION with the audience...



ALASKA - 13 Sept  - 25th Sept  2014


Junueau , Skagway , Ketchikan , Victoriya (Canada) , San Fransisco and ...Juneau



This Cruise unfortunately did not happen. What an absolute MESS to say the least. the reason?...because we did not have a Canadian Visa. We have spend nearly two weeks on our First cruise with the Star 4 weeks prior to this upcoming cruise with the Same Route and Nobody  took notice of the fact that we did not have Canadian visas... we were not even aware of entering canada...were not told a thing.  How we have managed to actually board the ship AND enter Canada in the first place without visas is a mistery...So... its a long long upsetting story which i am rather not going to go into ... It was not pleasant leaving the ship and unfortunately, it caused us great dissapoinment. Much was said and somebody clearly slipped up but in general,... we were very dissapointed. So much time had gone by and yet, not any warnings or word was send out prior to leaving New York for this cruise...We spend about 4 hours on board and had to leave the ship...we ended up spending 10 days in Junueau...Practising everyday, walking around, going up the mountains , doing trials in the Douglas  Forest, sleeping, gymming , visiting coffee shops and life as locals...We met some great people in Junueau and build up some amazing memories...Junueau is not to bad...fesh air, great views, lovely forests and enough to keep any visitor busy for 4 days.... but 10 days was just too long and right now,... hopefully we will not see Junueau untill 2015 August.

Short set piece of Rumba 

Short set piece of Rumba 

Short set piece of Paso Doble 

Short set piece of Paso Doble

Short set piece of Cha Cha Cha 

Short set piece of Rumba 

Short set piece of Paso Doble 

Short set piece of Cha Cha Cha 

The Famous Glaciers 

The most amazing Moorea.

Papeete - Tahitti.

Bora Bora...Just awesome.

The BEST!  Bora Bora.

Tendering to the ship in Moorea.

Tendering to the ship in Maui (Lahaina) - Hawaii. Our FIRST official visit :)).

Tribal Dancers in Pago Pago 



Short set piece of Paso Doble

Entertaining some Ladies in the Audience 

Animals in Alaska 

Animals in Alaska 

Skagway...very interesting Little town... The Red Union

Our Journey on the Crystal Serenity was just out of this world. Before we boarded this ship, we were told about how amazing the staff is and that Crystal is regarded as the TOP cruise line company in the World. well...its absolutely TRUE. Elena and i were treated like absolute stars. of course, its a much smaller ship in comparisson with princess and most other cruise lines but its probably for this reason very clear why crystal is the best ship in the world. The personal attentention to detail, the service and of course, the food is without doubt AMAZING. . Its honestly a huge step up in comparisson with other cruise lines. The entertainment in general is for sure of very very high calibre. Unlike our previuos experience, on crystal passenegrs and crew gets to meet with the Cruise Director and Captain regularly. The talk of " we are a family at crystal" is also very very present and evident. Personally, the food is of the best best standards we have ever come across. Its as good if not better than any 7 star hotel . The experience in the caribbean was just wonderfull. Some of the ports especially along Mexico , Honduras and Costa Rica was honestly nothing much to write home about. Boring to say the least. Cozumel would stand out as a exception. Furthermore, the Panama canal experience is something i feel most people should see with their own eyes. its unbelievably interesting. Poverty on most Mexican ports is sky high and the question does sometimes come up in ones mind, why on earth are we stopping here. Besides all this, it was still an amzing experience to see how these people live and what these islands are all about. Our cruise into the Eastren caribbean was in the end what we were waiting for. The most ultimate experience. St Barts were without a doubt our favourite island. With massive and massive yaghts and big ships just about everywhere, one cannot help to wonder how impressive life on this spectacular island must be... would not mind to go live there. The most wealthiest , richest and most expensive island in the caribbean. St maarten was 2 nd in our row. Moho beach is really something to see. 747 Boings coming in for landing. This is really an experience to  witness... seeing all these planes taking off etc...We hired a 4 by 4 quade bike on both visits and traveled around the island and this is the BEST thing to do when visiting these places. Even in  st Barts, we did the same. The thing is, with many of these ports, u dont always get the best impression but the moment u get a schooter or so, then u see more. This is when u see all the tropical beaches, palm trees, deserted beaches. We did this also in mexico in Cozumel. Barbados was lovely too and so was the Grand turk. The ship litterally anchors right on the beach...Curacauo was another liittle spot. Little Holland they call it. We nearly missed the ship in this place. Key West was also one of our favourite places. Roosters running all over the place. lots and lots of restaurants and shops. A true shopping paradise. If u want to buy clothes in the caribbean, do not shop in Miami or anywhere else..Key West is the place. of course, we met some amzing people on board the serenity. We taught dancing lessons on many many days along with groups classes on sea days. The amabassodors hosts program was a bit of a challenge. Crystal is one of very few cruise lines who have dancing hosts on board to dance with all the single ladies during cocktail dinner sets. Everyday these hosts would dance with these single ladies up in the palm court to a live Band. Occassionally the cruise director would have the crystal orchester performing in the Cove as well. For a single lady , there is more than enough dancing to keep herself busy with on crystal. We also had many many many friends from China , Hong Kong and Japan who took private lessons and this was really a treat. Elena and i also had a rather big fan club during these long two months, following us around the ship always came to our shows in the galaxy theatre. Occassional we also performed in the Cove. We spend two months on the ship but the experience was well wortit.  With Crystal, EVERYTHING is INclusive. All drinks etc. Its truly a beautifull ship and the decor is amazing. The Bistro restaurant is lovely and so is the dinning room. Our favourite were the Silk Rose Sushi Nobu Japanese reatuarant. The Prego was also fantastic and so was the Tasts Restaurant on the 12th deck... I would recommend anybody to travel on board the Cryustal Serenity.



18 November 2014 - 18 January 2015

Miami - USA

Northern America/Panama Canal

and ... Caribbean Cruise













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