Ryno van den Berg
12 Times
South African
Dance Champion
* 6 Times and Undefeated SA Latin American & 6 Times Show Dance Professional Champion
* 2010 ASIAN AL Professional Latin American Champion
* 2012 French Open Championships Latin American Pro Finalists
* SA Representative in 13 WORLD DANCE Championships Events
* Twice WORLD Show Dance championships Semi - Finalists
* Winner of the SUMMIT in South Africa
* Two Times SADTA South African professional Champion
* Received the 2012 South African AMBASSODORS Award
For Loyalty and Dedication

A Few Interesting Projects during the Past few Years...
A Teaching project for 1500 school kids in California 2013 ... a Mexican Primary school invited us to dance a latin show for these kids... we also taught them a Mambo and Boogie Woogie Line Dance...
It was such such fun. Afterwards, we had to put our signatures on their arms, clothes and school bags...these kids have never seen real dancing ever ever before...so for doing this for them for free as a gift was just ...mindblowing. very emotional too...
I Have Danced my very first Pro Am Dance Championship in Boston - US in 2013 - September. It was an amazing experience. Although I have done this kind of thing in SA many years ago, being part of it in the US is for sure the Main thing. It`s the HOME of Pro Am.
My student Catarina, a lovely bubbling friendly girl really danced well. Never been to Boston before and she has really treated me so well, showed me around and my first experience was something to remember. A very nice person who loves to help people.
This was a very interesting project in Cape Town in 2012 in Mitchells Plain. Beatrix and I were invited by Miss Gladus Bullock to encourage and build the spirit amongst the dancers in Cape Town...
When last have we worked with such talented dancers who made it such fun. They never stopped asking questions and the way they copied us, challenged us and managed to analyze the information from the workshop was simply amazing.
We started with these positive bunch of kids in the beginning of 2012. None of them have ever danced before... within 6 months...they performed a show at a studio event and ended up with a standing ovation.
In the beginning, it was so noticeable how shy these kids are in the beginning, but as the group progressed, emotions started to develope and kids became more cheeky :)
The Dance Camp has been a house hold name in the South African Dancing industry since 2001 until 2013.
Unfortunately, the mind set still seems to be very amateur and ego driven and as result... The dance Camp has after a number of years come to a halt. The development of dancing in SA leaves much to the imagination and the only losers ...are the dancers.
Teacher Training at Social Dance studios has always been one of my specialities. I have been very privilaged to assist with TT at the Dance Palace in Krugersdorp during the past 10 years.
The most impressive aspect about this particular studio is the amazing attitude of teachers who want to improve and most of all, the owner and manager, Mr Louie Bierman. A personal friend, Top notch Business man and simply a great guy who knows how to manage a big studio such as the Dance Palace.
Workshops as seen here is something most professional dancers are involved with. It has always been my passion to help others and put something back into the dancing community. There are so many dancers out there who just cannot afford lessons with the Worlds leading coaches and dancers...so, for me personally, teaching for charity is no big deal at all.

One of the BIGGEST and most prestigous events I have been involved with. Selected as the Main choreographer of the Mr South Africa 2009.
My job was to assist 15 guys (contestants for this competition) to dance. Indeed, Problem number one. Then I had to find 15 girls from the streets and on facebook and just about everywhere which was problem number 2.. All non dancers. It took us 12 weeks to get all 15 couples to dance a cha cha, swing, argentine tango, a sexy chair number and a mambo. This was to be the theme and MAIN show of the entire event. With TV broadcasting and many celebs to attend this event, I had to turn a bunch of amatures into professionals. All I can say, It was simply the most wicked and enjoyable journey I had apart from my own dancing. Congrats to Stephen for Winning the 2009 Mr SA title.
People are simply just NEVER too old to dance. It is also NEVER too late. In all the years of teaching Social and competitive dancing, this group was probably the most challenging group EVER.
Peter and Mearl in their late EIGHTIES along with Russians, Alex and Anna who were so disciplined but the Rhythm just could not kick in. Gerrie and Amanda, always so focused and then...the JOKER of a lifetime. Steven and Ann. With this guys jokes and funny way of dancing and talking....it was nearly impossible to teach this group because of all the laughing and joking about. But in the end...we put a show together and it was an amazing success.
Hong Kong has always been most special for me and to mingle around fellow dancers whom u compete against makes it more special. We all gathered together on the roof of some well known hotel in HK (The Tallest building) after we all contribute to a dance seminar and a massive party.
At this time, I also had a try out with this absolute stunning girl from France, Candice. Unfortunately, it did not work out but still...we had a good time.
During a partnership split in 2009 I was asked to perform for a school at an Award ceremony and this was the FIRST time EVER that I have performed in public with a girl other than a professional dancer.
Leandri has out done herself on the Mr SA Show and I did not even hesitate to ask her to partner me for this important event. Of course it felt strange but she was just great. Funny, most people thought we were in fact professional dancers.
During the Past few years, it had become a standard procedure for Passion for Dance to be involved with some of the Top schools in Pretoria. Not only to take care of the Matric farewells but more so...their Revues. Many schools also have their own musicals, dance Competitions, Mr and Miss (whoever) and last but not least...just teaching all these school kids how to dance.
One of my absolute favourite projects in the last couple of years was without doubt the entire School` s dance show and many other different numbers which I had to choreograph for OOS MOOT High School in Pretoria in 2013. Here are 3 out of the 12 couples who have performed extremely well on the day.
I have been involved in a few judging and coaching projects for Universities in South Africa. Every year there is an Inter - Varsity Latin and Ballroom Dance competition. Also , more so... a dance Championships which just consists of freestyle, tap, hip hop and modern dancing...
I was most honoured to be invited as HEAD JUDGE to this very prestigous national Inter- Varsity dance championships and the experience was absolutely worth every second.
2012..and we are officially on holiday after winning the SA Latin Professional Dance Championships.
Beatrix and I decided to visit a wine farm in Cape Town. One of the MOST popular farms and also the OLDEST in South Africa. During this particular Wine tasting, Beatrix told everyone about our Win. I have just had at that time 15 glasses of different tastings. I was basically on another planet. Of course, Beatrix could not stop telling everyone how wonderful this experience was and the next moment, we were asked by management to do a show. NO! Of course this would never happen. NOT me, with slops, shorts, loaded with wine and in NO mood for dancing. Well... Beatrix and all the staff gathered together while, at this time, the place was packed with tourists from all over the world and here... I had NO chance to run away. I HAD to dance. So...we did a Rumba. Never had my hips been this loose, never had I ever had such soft movements, yet...my balance was not quite on par... understandably so. The gift ( two bottles of Wine ) was for sure worth the Show :))

In the beginning of February 2013, My studio, Passion for Dance, had a project to help and support children and in a more broader sense...disadvantaged people in our suburb.
We decided to pick a certain weekend, we went to a couple of supermarkets, asked for food to be donated for this cause and BOOM. We went to Bus stops, Taxi depos and basically just handed out the food to women and children. It was the middle of the month which would be a very difficult time for most of these people who have to travel far to their homes and most of them...without food for the weekend. The feeling was just amazing. Words could not describe the appreciation and relief on these people`s faces. Let alone the tears of gratitude.

Hong Kong has always been a very special Place to visit. Charles and Mary Wu have been the most amazing hosts i have ever come across. With Svetlana and Julia we performed shows, Coached and have done some enjoyable workshops for their students and other studios.
One thing that stands out most for me, is after an event, The photo sessions have simply NO ending. EVERYONE wants to be in a photo with u. The generosity, hospitality and warmth has NO limmits at all. For sure one of my most favourite Countries to visit.

Looking after school Kids have never really been my "thing"
2014- Irvine ,California.
I was asked to stand in as an assistant school teacher at a meduim School. i had to take care of a class of 35 kids...all with exstreme behaviuors. The entire school was to enjoy a fun day out at an amusement park. an Old Cowboy town. Stoke city/... well... all i can say is, i made the rules clear, told everyone what i expected of them and guess what... my kids behaved so well, showed amazing dissipline and frankly...most teachers were surprised because apparently, i ended up with the nauhgtiest 15 year olds in the school...i guess, as a man, i understood them better...gave them some space, let them do their own thing a bit and tried not to show them who was the boss...a mistake most teachers make. It was great to mingle with these kids and actually be reminded again what it was like whn i was at school :)))

On the 23 September 2014 Elena and i Performed a big Cabaret show for the Dance palace once again in Krugersdorp.
this is not the firts time I have performed for Louie and honestly, everytime, its a major success/ Of course, apart from the show, the highlight was probably the dancing workshops for the teachers and students/ the Dance Palace has expanded so much. its become a world class dance company and we had a fabulous time . this was also Elena s First show in SA and she was fantastically welcomed.
Cabaret Show - Pretoria.
Only one week after the show at the Dance Palace, Elena and i had our Own function for all my ex previuos dance students and current friends. we had an amzing turn out of support. We were soon to leave for our caribbean cruise of 2 months on board the Crystal serenity and this show was to be a practise run. we performed all our main shows and it was a just simply a great evening. Dancing with this fantastic brittish rising star finalists is wow to say the least. the pressuare was On as most of my friends needed to see the NEW partnership and i am glad we made a good impression.
Dance Palace Workshop / Show.